Monday 25 October 2010

As long as Hill wins he can turn off the starter

Hill is parachute saved his life, but he was park rangers Terri is arrest, after fighting with persuasion, he finally let Terri believe him. .Di Kennedy has long been and should be within collusion, he succeeded in finding two nuclear bombs. Hill and Terri destroyed the helicopter, and tactfully hijacked a car carrying a nuclear bomb, the bomb hidden among to a copper mine waste. But in panic among the bomb was activated the. Di Jian group arrived and took away another nuclear bomb, who shift the Hill kept in the mine, trying to get a nuclear bomb they were killed.
Hill and Terri underground river to escape from the mine. underground nuclear explosion generated great destructive power, the White House and the Department of Defense shock, had promised to Di Jian, the threat of huge sums of money required. Hill and Terri Di separately tracking firm, Terri Di firm to keep up with the train, he was seized. nick occasion, Hill found the government and came to the rescue helicopter. But the government is armed forces failed to stop Di Jian, anti-ended in failure, Hill can go it alone. He and Terri Di Jian fled destroyed The helicopter, in an impossible situation, Di Jian Kunshouyoudou, desperate. He initiated the nuclear explosion password, attempt to die. Hill arrived, the two re-bet, as long as Hill wins he can turn off the starter . battle of wits and courage Louboutin Sale after the fight, Hill eventually won, the two trains collided about the occasion, he closed the boot device, and escape the car, and Di Chien been duly end. being in a messy , bomb the safe side, the surviving Hill and Terri locked in an embrace.

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