Thursday 11 November 2010

Linda was looking for you

Mr Chen and Yang Zhiming all know, pork is extremely valued Huang family for Huang Xiaoling, the only sister also love a plus, if it is because something Waring

Street, fear of a conflict between two hurt Huang Xiaoling, Huang Tianxiong not to Huang Xiaoling locked.

"About a month ago, Linda was looking for you, I will open one eye close one eye, she promised to see you one day ... I did not expect ... ... ..." At that moment, a

look of pain, but added Lin Ye asked about the sound.

"Why do not you call the police?"

"Alarm?" Huang Tianxiong rough stood up, covered with fat Diego tower string action, but also a mind saliva spray, inviting voice, she patted the table and roared:

"note, there ass to use!"

Been so insulted, Lin Ye but no sign of weakness. Mr Chen was off to the side is good enough for the Lehe was very.

"You give me to say!"

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