Saturday 18 September 2010

water treatment More and more products

water treatment More and more products. and in the sales process, the functions of these products are often exaggerated. a wide variety of difficult choices consumers on the morning of his wife Chan Taiyuan people have turned in P90X several home improvement mall several circle, but more do not know what kind of water treatment products selected. Mr. Chen told reporters, a salesperson said, pure water machine is not good, water is 'distilled water', or drink straight well, which added activated carbon, treated water is mineral water ... ... urban ground water treatment products, has soft water for bathing water machine, there are suitable for cooking, drinking water machine, water purifier, direct drinking machine, etc.; water treatment methods are reverse osmosis, ion exchange, activated carbon filtration law;
treatment installations softening resin filter, activated carbon fiber p90x workout multi-pleated membrane filters. As the product a wide range of highly specialized consumer products to buy, only to listen to sales personnel, often the more listen more confused. pattern generally exaggerated many features reporter also found that sales of products function exaggerated widespread problem: even with a beauty treatment product, the role of health care. Changzhi in Taiyuan Road, a home improvement stores, a salesman, said: promotion staff were introduced to reporters when the water purifier p90x dvd set brand, said: water, can prevent gallstone, cancer and other diseases. even illness can be cured! experts recommend the use of water companies need to carefully Taiyuan City staff said water treatment product can indeed play a certain filter, to the role of smell, but not as sales are saying can have the beauty, health and other effects, some products may have side effects.

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